An article in the May 6 Chicago Tribune suggests that "Democrats find religion on the campaign trail.",1,3287326.story?page=1&ctrack=1&cset=true&coll=chi-news-hed
I am not so easily convinced.
I realize that many politicians will attempt to use a pulpit as a platform to prove their religious conviction. It would be better for an inquiring electorate to ask the more challenging question of each candidate: how do your religious beliefs affect your moral code? Do your beliefs draw you toward helping the poor and the least fortunate among us? And what sacrifices are you willing to make to demonstrate to this nation that all of us will need to make sacrifices so that more of the least fortunate have access to drinking water, healthy food and the means to thrive?
Hearing a candidate answer these questions would tell us so much more than the captions, sound bytes and slogans we hear that pass for campaigning.
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