Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm encouraged by David Plouffe's strategy report for Barack Obama's presidential campaign that was posted on the web today.

But I believe that Barack needs to win back the daily news cycles to sustain the advantage he had. Here is my "grassroots" advice: have Barack announce a member of his Cabinet or one of his Senior Advisors each week; one or two each week. Since I and other Obama supporters are expecting that that will be a "rainbow" of highly qualified women and men, of various backgrounds, ethnicities and orientations, we need to seize back the excitement of McCain's choice of a woman as his running mate (however inappropriate or unqualified we may think she is.) This has never been done before, to my knowledge. From where I sit in rural Iowa -- one of the battleground states, as we all know -- I believe that we need people to get over their "Palin-fatuation" and realize that much more qualified women and men who truly possess the skills and the character to govern, will be standing with our next President in his administration from Election Day forward.

So, why keep it a secret? We need to invite Barack to reclaim the spotlight by his announcing, for example, one of the outstanding women that he intends to appoint to his administration. Then he can follow that up with, say, one of the outstanding Hispanics that he intends to choose. And then follow that with the names of the amazing array of qualified people, representing a variety of opinions and skill bases, that will comprise the Obama administration.

The Democrats need to reclaim the spotlight. We can do this. Yes we can.

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