Saturday, October 16, 2010

Praying for Harmonious Work

The past few years have been a challenging time to be the church. Amid growing financial anxiety, we have endeavored to maintain the structures and staffing that worked for the church decades ago when resources were more plentiful.

In such a time as this, it is as imperative as ever that we put our lives, and the lives of our church leaders, in the hands of the one who calmed the sea, and who can calm our anxiety and move us to offer our praise. A great prayer to use to begin this would be the prayer for installed officers, taken and slightly adapted from “Installation of Officers,” in the resource book, Chalice Worship:
Almighty God, we rejoice that you have called us to be your people in this time and place. Help us to fulfill the mission to which you call us as we seek to know what faithfulness requires of us. Strengthen the resolves that have been made within our congregation. Uphold your leaders with hope and encouragement that they may endure every frustrating difficulty. Fill this congregation with your loving Spirit that each person may work together harmoniously so that all members may work together for the common good and to your glory. We pray in Christ’s name. Amen.,

Imagine if fifty people, or even twenty, committed to pray this prayer daily. I wonder…if God will do something in each of us, and in all of us together, just because we have prayed this pray of intercession for our leaders. Actually, I know God is already doing it, even as we consider this request.

I look forward to greeting you at the church door or wherever we meet to share ministry together!

Pastor Paul

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